„Hilfe die ankommt“ is a Christian charity organisation supporting people in Austria and abroad. Our aim is to help people in need regardless of their age, origin, social or religious affiliation. We want to play an active role in advancing God’s mission of caring for needy people.

What we do

„Hilfe die ankommt“ supports people in personal and material need. In times of suffering and pain we want to provide assistance and help. Our concern and solidarity are with Austrians as well as all people around the world.

What matters to us

We want to show people possibilities to help others around them. We encourage them to find and go new ways. We focus on sustainable support, empowering people in need to take charge of their own lives again.


What „Hilfe die ankommt“ and the (volunteer) employees believe is based on the BEG statement of faith.

We believe in the one, only, and personal God who at the same time reveals himself as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (trinity).

We believe that God created mankind in his own image and in that way gave it dignity. Through disobedience, mankind has become sinful. Seduced by Satan, it chose evil and in doing so turned away from the perfectly good God.

We believe that people are saved only by the grace of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe in the return of Christ and his final judgement on humanity.

We believe that all scripture (Old Testament – without Apocrypha – and New Testament) is the word inspired by God. We believe that the Holy Spirit has guided the authors of the original texts – while retaining their personal and stylistic peculiarities – from the entire content to the full extent of their choice of expression.

This is a shortened version of the BEG-Statement of faith of 27.02.1991.