Thanks to your help, „Hilfe die ankommt“ is constantly supporting national as well as international projects. The personal and material need in Austria and abroad is great.
The measures we use in our different projects are always resource-oriented and sustainable: refugee aid, services for marriages and families as well as children and adolescents in need, education and tutoring programs, assistance for the homeless, mental health care, disaster relief and long-term development aid.
National projects
The need in Austria is great. As a charity, „Hilfe die ankommt“ was founded with the aim of pooling resources in Austria and putting the idea of serving others into practice.
The individual projects below show the diversity of our activities.
- Connecting Cultures – Freundschaft verbindet
- Das Ehe-Service
- House of Hope
- Innsbruck Stadt der Hoffnung
- InterTreff
- Oasis Traiskirchen
- Reset Suchthilfe
- Soziale Tagesstätte Raphael
- Weisses Kreuz Österreich
International projects
„Hilfe die ankommt“ promotes international projects and contributes to global disaster relief. Only the commitment of many friends, supporters and employees can relieve the suffering of individual persons, giving hope and new perspectives.
- Banda Health – Kenya
- Care of Creation – Tanzania
- Dagu Himalaya – Nepal
- Flüchtlingshilfe Türkei – Turkey
- Hilfe für Honduras – Honduras
- Liweitari – Benin
- Pan de Vida – Ecuador
- Weihnachtspaketaktion „Hoffnung und Freude“ – Moldova